Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Blaine Pardoe is a F****** Liar...


                Blaine Pardoe is a liar. I want to be very clear when I make that statement. When he says that a member of the left threatened his life, that is incorrect and a demonstrable lie. No threats were ever made, to him, or to any other party. As I have described in detail, the closest thing he has to a “threat” is me making a statement to Craig Reed that I was so angry about his book that I wanted to shoot him. That does not rise to the level of a threat. Saying you want to shoot someone is not the same as making the statement that you will or are going to do so. This is a clear definitional matter of law. Clearly Mr. Pardoe either does not understand this definition, or he simply doesn’t care. As I have pointed it out many times, and there have been no criminal charges, I think it’s abundantly clear at this point that he does understand but simply continues to lie to feed the false narrative of him being a poor, persecuted white conservative. And in fact, he has now made this claim of being "threatened" again in the latest blog post peddling his piece of "speculative fiction" filth.

               From everything he has shared publicly about it, his book is absolutely disgusting. It is akin to a modern version of The Turner Diaries, a white supremacist classic from decades past. I find it horrifying that a prominent member of the BattleTech community is publishing such vile filth. I find it disheartening that apparently a portion of the community stands with him and agrees with him in his hatred of our democracy. I also find it deeply disturbing the Catalyst Game Labs, the publisher of BattleTech, has not taken a stand against the vile filth that one of their top-level authors is peddling. Garbage like what Pardoe is writing is eroding out democracy and our way of life, and to stand by his side as he writes such trach for profit is disheartening. I also find it disheartening that his peers appear to remain silent as he peddles this madness. The time has come to take a stand against lies and to stand on the side of democracy. Mr. Pardoe is on the wrong side. I hope people will make their voices heard accordingly and make it clear that they stand not with Mr. Pardoe, but on the side of truth and democracy.

1 comment:

  1. I also dislike his ideas and lost any motivation to read his books after knowing better his political ideas
