Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Blaine Pardoe is a F****** Liar...


                Blaine Pardoe is a liar. I want to be very clear when I make that statement. When he says that a member of the left threatened his life, that is incorrect and a demonstrable lie. No threats were ever made, to him, or to any other party. As I have described in detail, the closest thing he has to a “threat” is me making a statement to Craig Reed that I was so angry about his book that I wanted to shoot him. That does not rise to the level of a threat. Saying you want to shoot someone is not the same as making the statement that you will or are going to do so. This is a clear definitional matter of law. Clearly Mr. Pardoe either does not understand this definition, or he simply doesn’t care. As I have pointed it out many times, and there have been no criminal charges, I think it’s abundantly clear at this point that he does understand but simply continues to lie to feed the false narrative of him being a poor, persecuted white conservative. And in fact, he has now made this claim of being "threatened" again in the latest blog post peddling his piece of "speculative fiction" filth.

               From everything he has shared publicly about it, his book is absolutely disgusting. It is akin to a modern version of The Turner Diaries, a white supremacist classic from decades past. I find it horrifying that a prominent member of the BattleTech community is publishing such vile filth. I find it disheartening that apparently a portion of the community stands with him and agrees with him in his hatred of our democracy. I also find it deeply disturbing the Catalyst Game Labs, the publisher of BattleTech, has not taken a stand against the vile filth that one of their top-level authors is peddling. Garbage like what Pardoe is writing is eroding out democracy and our way of life, and to stand by his side as he writes such trach for profit is disheartening. I also find it disheartening that his peers appear to remain silent as he peddles this madness. The time has come to take a stand against lies and to stand on the side of democracy. Mr. Pardoe is on the wrong side. I hope people will make their voices heard accordingly and make it clear that they stand not with Mr. Pardoe, but on the side of truth and democracy.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Consider this...


                    I am not blameless in this whole situation, and I am not claiming to be. However, there comes a time where parties either act in good faith to resolve things or they do not. I have made every attempt to resolve any problems, concerns, or discrepancies. I will admit to my mistakes, where they were made, and attempt to move forward from them. However, it has been the policy so far, for certain persons and organizations, to simply refuse any and all communications and attempts to resolve things in any manner whatsoever.

               Thus far, the only response to my mistakes has been…silence. Apart from a very professional individual in the payment department who resolved all financial and legal issues quickly and without any problems whatsoever, I have been met by only silence. No condemnation of my actions, no attempt to clarify any matters whatsoever, just silence. I have not even been put in contact with the legal department. Nothing. The situation is basically “Take everything at Blaine’s word and say nothing.” Considering the fact that my interactions with the community as a whole have been nothing but to raise it up, I find this situation most distressing. This is not how you respond to a problem in your community. You do not close ranks around a single toxic member and refuse any and all claims contrary to that viewpoint. You do not take only one side of things and pretend that the other side does not exist. This is not how things should be done. And yet, here we are.

               Am I blameless in this situation? No. But neither is he. Consider that.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Today's thought...

                     There seems to be a lot of "people only talked to Faith because they were thirsty/horny/etc" going around the community, and that upsets me, mostly because I think a lot more of the wonderful people I've interacted with over the past several years than to reduce them to some kind of simpletons. Have you ever stopped to think that there is an alternative explanation?

                    Maybe people talked to me because I was kind to them. Or because I valued their opinions, raised up their contributions, treated them with dignity and respect, didn't look down on them, had thoughtful back and forth conversations with them, took their thoughts and ideas seriously, valued our shared experiences, and was just all around not a douchebag to them? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe that was the reason? That maybe something like that might actually work? Just a thought.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Private eyes, are watching you!

         I've never been a huge Hall & Oates fan, but I've had the song "Private Eyes" stuck in my head for the last day or so. Why, you might ask? Well let me tell you why. I'm not going to reveal the details, but twice in the last 48 hours I've had tip-offs that a private investigator is snooping into my life. It would be a funny thing if it wasn't so terrifying to actually think about. What is this guy doing, digging through my trash, hacking my private communications, taking really bad pictures of me?

        The fact that he has revealed him or herself, I'm going to chalk up to an attempt to intimidate me. The alternative would be that he or she is just incompetent, which I also would not so quickly discount given the potential suspects for his or her client. It makes you wonder why someone would stoop to this level to try to find dirt on a person. If you're that desperate to find something to pin on someone, you might want to look at yourself first. I don't know who the client is, but I sure hope the private dick enjoys the show, and bills appropriately. 

        In the meantime, here's a link to a clip from Veronica Mars, one of my favorite TV shows. I like to imagine the private dick that's following me is something of a "Vinnie Van Lowe" himself. This makes me smile.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

No, you don't get to lie and inflate...


                I was going to just let things slide, but as Mr. Pardoe has now taken this escapade into a gleeful search for publicity and is playing the victim card when it’s not warranted, I’ve decided to set a few things straight. I do this because a lot of the story you all got told, he got wrong. I don’t know if he just made mistakes, or if he’s lying to try to inflate the support he gets as a “victim” of an “attack.” I cannot say many things because of a protective order that he now has against me, but I can still share a lot of the truth, since he seems so invested in sharing the truth. I’ll start with the protective order itself.

               Mr. Pardoe filed for a temporary protective order based on several communications which were not threats. Mr. Pardoe also sent me a cease-and-desist letter threatening legal action for “defaming” him. At this point in time, I retained a lawyer and through that lawyer we entered into a preliminary agreement whereby I would grant Mr. Pardoe the protective order (as I don’t want to speak to him directly, don’t want to see him, and indeed don’t actually know where he lives) in exchange for him dropping his outlandish legal claims of defamation. After we entered into the first part of this agreement, the granting of the protective order, he backed out and began publicly spreading the fantastical tale that he now has on his blog. In short, he reneged on his word, and I’m stuck with a protective order because of it. Now, let’s get down to the content of his grand exposition.

               Let’s start with the big one: no threat was ever communicated to Mr. Pardoe. He claims to be in fear for his life, but he had to actually hunt for material that even comes close to the definition of threatening. The closest thing he has is a statement made that I wished to shoot him. I wish for a lot of things, they don’t constitute threats. The statement was made, for one, while I was inebriated, and secondly, was not even made to Mr. Pardoe himself. The statement was actually made to a Mr. Craig Reed, who surreptitiously passed the communication on to Mr. Pardoe in a vile breach of confidence. The comment was never intended for Mr. Pardoe’s ears, and as such, was not meant to instill fear in him. At no time did I intend to instill fear in Mr. Pardoe or his family.

               The second closest thing to a “threat” that Mr. Pardoe claims is a video. I linked this video to Mr. Pardoe in the comments of his blog. The video is not a threat, it is an anti-Trump music video that contains some disturbing images. That’s all. A link posted on his blog comments, which he never even allowed to be published. If viewing videos with somewhat violent imagery caused him to fear for his life, I can hardly be faulted for this.

               Those are the closest things he even gets to an actual threat. There were no threats made. He was never threatened in any way. He may have hid in fear, but that is not my problem, nor was it ever my intent.

               Second, he claims that this was part of a campaign to “cancel” him. He makes claims that I tried to have podcasters remove their shows with him. These claims are false, and he has no evidence. None of the podcasters that I contacted and spoke to in regards to Mr. Pardoe can provide any evidence that I asked them to take down his appearances on their shows, as I never communicated a desire for them to do so. Where he got this idea, I have no idea. He is either mistaken or lying. He claims that I tried to get CGL to stop publishing him. This is false. I communicated several times with members of the CGL staff regarding Mr. Pardoe’s egregious political views, but at no time did I try to get any of his publications cancelled. There is no evidence to the contrary. My communications were to inquire as to if there were any way to support Battletech while minimizing any support for Mr. Pardoe and his offensive belief system.

               Third: He claims this insane volume of threatening material that made him cower in fear. I don’t know where he is getting this, as there was very little volume directed at him personally. There were perhaps a dozen comments on his blog over the course of 6 or more months, which he, as the blog administrator, chose not to publish. There were a grand total of maybe 2 or 3 e-mails sent to his publicly listed contact e-mail attempting to reach out an olive branch, which were ignored. The only volume of anti-Pardoe material was either public via Twitter, or directed at third parties, who dutifully reported these things to him as his supplicants. That's it. That's the entirety of this "huge" conspiracy against him.

               Fourth: He brings the identity of someone, “J” into the picture, and gets most of the facts wrong. I have some insight into J and his position, as well as his permission to set things straight here at this time. J is in fact a person with thoughts and feelings just like you or I, but Mr. Pardoe gets most of his details wrong. I do not know if this is the result of shoddy work on the part of the police, who he claims to be working with, of private investigators that he may have hired (and think about that, the man was so sensitive about criticism that he seems to have hired investigators to snoop into the lives of his detractors) or of slipshod research on his own part. So let’s get the facts straight. J does, in fact have a criminal record for "Terroristic Threats" in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. What is not shown in this, is that the plea agreement into which J entered was for a covid-related mental health episode where J, having lost his job, made statements of suicidal ideation in a performative manner in order to show the people he felt responsible for his plight the depth of his despair. J has sought and received treatment, and is currently a happy and productive member of society. Mr. Pardoe also claims that J “lives in his grandfather’s house”. Both of J’s grandfathers are deceased many years ago, one lying buried in the United Kingdom, and the other buried on the eastern shore of Maryland, nowhere near where J resides.

               I hope this gives you all a little better insight into the facts of things, and that you adjust your view of Mr. Pardoe and his outrageous attempts to play the victim. Do not fall for the lies of his victimhood. Any fear for his life was a result of his own paranoia, not any threats or actions by me or any other person. He will try to milk this for all it’s worth. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Keep the Faith...


                I’m stepping back and going away because that’s the only option for me and my mental health right now. I’d love to stand and fight and battle for the truth, but that’s not a fight that I have the time, money, and mental energy for. Like most things in America, the big guy always wins, not because he’s right, but because he’s bigger. He’s got more money, more privilege, more connections, to the point that fighting a battle would be life-encompassing, and I can’t afford that right now.

               It has been a privilege beyond words to have engaged with many of you in the community. The positivity far outweighed the negative, up until now, obviously. I have engaged with many of you in wonderful, creative, and authentic ways, and nothing can take away the content of those moments that I’ve shared with all of you. Never forget that you are the Battletech community, not one man, but all of you. I have faith that you, as a community, will come together and outlast any rot or cancer that threatens to drag the community down into darkness. Take this entire ordeal and learn from it. Some people may believe that they have unmasked some dark secret, but there has been another unmasking that has gone along with it, the unmasking of the character of certain individuals and the lengths to which they will go to destroy others and maintain their privilege. Don’t let that narrative win. Be bold, be creative, be diverse, and raise the community up to the height that it deserves.

               My fight is over. I have done what I can to make the Battletech community a greater, healthier, more wonderful and diverse place. I can fight this battle no more. It is my fervent hope that each and every one of you will resolve to fight just a little bit to make the community what you want it to be. Create content, network, spread the word, raise each other up! My part has come and gone. I wish nothing but the best for the next person that takes up the torch. I hope they go on to greatness. And maybe that someone is you, you never know. Until then, keep the faith.

Thursday, July 8, 2021


     I know people will be wanting a statement from me, but as this has now entered the legal realm and involves people other than myself, there is nothing that I can say at the present time.