Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Cat is Out of the Bag

     Well, the cat is out of the bag, it seems. Jon Del Arroz has posted a review of my book over on his blog, and the review bombing has started. I don't get the hate. I understand honest criticism, even invite it, but the hate that is coming out in this review bombing campaign, it just eludes me. Have these people even read my book, or do they just hate me and are leaving bad reviews based on that? What is the world coming to that hate-reviews are a thing? Thank you to anyone that has or will leave an honest criticism/review of my work over at Amazon. It is much appreciated!


  1. If someone reads a bad book and posts their review, how is that a review bomb? they buy the book and review it. that's their right. oh wait, you don't want anyone who says things you don't like to speak.
    Carry on!
    Laters hater!

    1. Most of these people have not read my book, they are not verified purchasers, they are review-bombing trolls.

    2. Go for it. Go head and block someone who's telling the truth. Prove to EVERYONE looking in from the outside that what I'm telling them is the truth. The story of your antics and attacks on others are all out there for the public to see and comment on. It's how I discovered someone as pathetic as you. So keep this up, it's only hurting YOU.
      Laters hater. You're digging yourself in there really deep.

    3. The only dishonest twisted lying piece of shit in this conservation is you. You are not what you claimed to be, you worked at Wal-Mart. Not at a hospital as a doctor of nursing practice.

    4. I ask you again, to prove your accusations. Show me one person that I doxxed on discord. Can you do that? Do it or shut up.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. That is not doxxing anyone you piece of shit. Answer the damn question. Who did I dox on discord?

  4. lol, I've called you out. You've got nothing. You are a deranged liar. Go away before I call the police on your stalking ass.

    1. Go ahead & call them because i've not stalked you. every time i post the truth you delete it so you can to look like the victim in all this. Unfortunately for you, i have saved all the posts you deleted as proof. And when this is all over, it will be YOU who pays the legal bills because I will have the evidence & sue YOU for your malicious actions.
      As i have said in the posts that you have already deleted, YOU are the real deranged lair here. So have fun with your dumpster fire life while working at a Wal-mart all the while pretending to be a Doctor of Nursing Practice here online while writing badly done fan-fiction with the serial numbers barely filed off.
      But seriously... please, for the love of all that is good, GET THE HELP you desperately need.
      Laters hater!

  5. I didn't review bomb your book I rightfully called it an unfinished fanfic

    1. Are you a verified purchase? which review is yours?

    2. I got your book via kindle membership . In all your action and pacing is all over the place. I may dislike you as a person but I won't review bomb your book also I'm on jda discord you are not mentioned there for review bombing.

    3. That's funny, because I had 2 reviews prior to Jon of the Corn putting up his hit pice. Following the attack video, I was flooded with reviews that constitute personal attacks against me. I call that review bombing. What do you call it? A happy coincidence? Give me a break.

      Also, if you actually read it, then you will have no problem providing actual examples of where the pacing is bad rather than blanket statements parroting what your puppetmasters have told you to write. Let's see some...

    4. Oh Really, now.
      I had read all the posted reviews that happened both before & after Jon Del Arroz (someone who is a published award winning author BTW) had made his video about you & this little book of yours. Even the reviews that had been made before he made his video, those reviews just weren't that good. At the time I saw them, the ONE Five Star review didn't even have a corresponding review that had been attached it.
      For the record, I'll be posting my own review after i finally finish reading this stuff, but it's taking FOREVER to get through this. you have some talent, but you're just... it's taking forever to read through this. as has been said earlier, this is a good first draft. You need to find a decent editor who can work with you, but you will have to actually LISTEN to their criticism & advice. But it would seem through everything here on your little blog that you have a hard time taking constructive criticism that's not kissing your ass & stroking your ego constantly.
      As for posting some examples of what we're talking about, why bother. You'll just delete them like you keep deleting evidence proving your lies to be just that.

    5. I delete your lies, not criticism. And you're full of shit, Spake. There is a legit 2-star review up on Amazon that I've taken to heart. What I have a hard time dealing with are "reviews" either calling me a terrorist or comments like the one attacking my mother. Please tell me how those are "constructive criticism" you piece of shit. And I might delete your next comment just for the lulz, since it obviously pisses you off enough that you need to constantly lie.
