Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A few thoughts as Pride month opens...

     Wow, things have really blown up again over the whole Pride Fanzine. I had thought that I was in a place of relative calm until the bad actors on the other side decided that my involvement in the Fanzine was enough of a reason to rake me over the coals again. 

    And as expected, Blaine Pardoe has even poured it on again, as he refuses to let go of a comment that was made over three years ago now. He continues to brandish it as a public relations weapon at me, knowing that I have no recourse due to the Protective Order. 

    But the smear campaign continues, trying to bring my past into it without knowing any of the facts of that case either. But that's how these people operate, damn the facts, go for whatever lies you can to dominate the narrative.

    I just wish these people, Blaine in particular, would leave me alone. He claims I am the Stalker, and yet he is the one who refuses to let go, continually dragging me into the public eye to further his grift of the people on that side of the fence and milk them for whatever money he can. Power to him, I guess, it's the American way. A lie is as good as the truth if you can get people to believe it, and that's just what has happened.

    I'd like to thank all of the people in the community who continue to support me throughout all of this terrible mess. Your support means the world to me as I weather this storm of attacks. It's not easy on my mental health, but that's what the other side wants, to tear us down because they hate our existence. 

    Well, I will continue to exist, and move forward as best I can. I'm working on writing material for my own unique universe and hope to have things published on that front soon. As always, don't let the Chuds win.


  1. Do you want to shoot him in the crotch over this shit?

  2. If he's the stalker, why aren't you the one with the restraining order against him? If you go after someone's livelihood, and lead tot hem getting fired fromt he one thing keeping them alive; dredging up words from 3 years ago is the elast of your worries. He's going to hate you forever, as do most of us. You have set yourself up to live the rest of your life in a world who hate you for ruining something they love.
