Monday, December 26, 2022

Some Fact Checking

     Ok, so there has been lots of misinformation thrown around here. Let me get some facts out here that I can share now that my identity is out there.

    1: I am a "violent criminal": False.  I have exactly one criminal charge in my past. That charge is a plea to a misdemeanor in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Here is what happened. I lost my job during the pandemic. This caused a spiral of my anxiety and depression, and I self medicated with alcohol. While under the influence of alcohol, I threatened to kill myself at my former place of employment in an attempt to get people to understand my pain. It was wrong, I pled guilty to a charge of Terrorist Threats and received mental health treatment for my issues. This is the extent of my record. None of it is related to Blaine.

    2: I lied about adopting children: False. I never claimed to have adopted children. I claimed to have twins. This is partially true and partially false. I do not have twins via IVF with a partner. I do have two children that I care for who are not biologically my own. I love them very much.

    3: I lied in order to get published or get money from people: False. I never lied in any attempt to get published. I never tried to get money out of people because of my identity. I adopted the false persona years before I ever even imagined getting published. People came to me about my writing and suggested that I write something to get published, and I tried and succeeded. Not because of my false claims, but because of my ability. I will not be gaslit on this topic. I am proud of my writing and I will always stand by it.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Faith No More


The time to tell the complete truth has come. I can’t go on keeping up a mask any longer. This is going to be painful for people, but I owe you all the truth. Faith McClosky does not exist. It is a persona that I have used for over 10 years in order to gain acceptance. I am speaking to you now as “J”

So much of Faith is real and authentic, but so much is also fluff and lies meant to protect myself from rejection. When I sat down at a keyboard ten years ago, I felt like I could be anyone. I felt that the real me had no value or relevance, that I would never be accepted. I wanted to be free to express myself, my true self, without fear of rejection. In that moment, Faith McClosky was born. Faith allowed me to be myself, to express myself, to share myself in ways that I felt I couldn’t otherwise to people. For ten years, I have been Faith to the community, pouring myself into Faith and feeling validated sharing myself with the community.

I need to build bridges and mend fences, and I cannot do that anymore based on lies. So Here I am, coming clean.

I will explain my identity as best I can, given that I do not fully understand it myself. When I created Faith, identifying as female online simply felt natural to me. When I sat back and let go, Faith is who I naturally felt like. Over time, people came to accept me as a woman, or as a Transwoman. But I am not a transwoman. I allowed it to go on because I didn’t know how to correct it. Everything became wrapped up in my identity as Faith, and to tell people the truth scared me incredibly. Neither am I just a cis man. There is something more to me, but I don’t know what that is. I’ve tried to explore that online and it has caused much pain and hurt to people that didn’t deserve it. That has to stop.

So much of what people have come to love about me are real and authentic. My love of Battletech. My writing. My passion for social justice. All of that is real. The Faith persona allowed me to share that in a way that I was too frightened to otherwise. But the persona and lies surrounding it have become a burden that has grown heavier, and has hurt people in the process.

I never meant to hurt anyone, but I have to recognize that my actions have hurt people. I can’t go on without doing that. To anyone that I have hurt, know that your pain is valid, and I am truly sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, I simply thought so little of myself that I felt I needed to lie.

Matters became further complicated when my writing got noticed by people at CGL. Now my identity was in question and wrapped up in my publication. I blundered through the publication process trying to maintain the secret of my identity and made things worse with my mistakes. I’m sorry for any problems I have caused anyone at CGL on the publication end. I was operating out of ignorance and fear.

I have tried to soften this, to peel away the lies and keep Faith at the core, but I can’t do that anymore. It simply doesn’t work. Faith has to go. I have to be something else. Something that was always there, just with the mask of Faith covering my own insecurities. So going forward, I’m going to be Ace Kaller to the online community. Faith is no more. I am Ace now. Ace is still passionate about Battletech, the community, writing, social justice and everything that you came to know me as, but I can do this now authentically without the façade.

Over the next few days, everything with flow over into this new, authentic identity. Names will change. The person will not. I know many of you will feel hurt. To you, I apologize. I know many of you will be angry. To you, I accept your anger as valid, and if you need to share it with me, feel free to do so. I know many of you will have questions for me. I will do my absolute best to answer these questions for people going forward. There are going to be some things kept private, but I will answer any questions that I can with the truth. If It’s something I can’t reveal, I will simply tell you so.

I hope that after reading all of this, that those of you that I have made an impact on will still accept me. I genuinely value so many people in this community, and I don’t want that to ever stop. I hope that you can forgive me for my insecurities and my hurtful actions. I hope that we can continue our Battletech journey going forward, with the lies and the mask gone.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Some Basic Facts

             Now that we have the air cleared, let's get some basic facts out there, as the internet rumor mill, led by demagogues like Razorfist, Arch, and all other forms of alt-right trash have whipped the community into a frenzy with exaggerations and misinformation. Let's cut through that shit, shall we?

1: "Faith is a convicted stalker". WRONG. I have never stalked anyone, and I have certainly never been convicted before a court or any judge of stalking Mr. Pardoe. I have never been convicted of doing anything to Mr. Pardoe. The only legal interaction I have with regards to Mr. Pardoe are a mutually agreed upon temporary protective order in the state of Virginia, entered into for the purpose of stopping Mr. Pardoe from using his considerable wealth and clout to abuse the legal system as a club to pound me into financial ruin. That is all.

2: "Faith stalked Mr. Pardoe for years!": FALSE. I have feuded with Mr. Pardoe since the time that his response to my asking him a question was "You're just a shitty fanfic writer". The extent of this feud has been to publicly call him out on his vile right wing views. This only ever took the form of publications on my personal twitter account and blog, comments on the public comments section of Mr. Pardoe's blog, and via the e-mail address listed as contact information on Mr. Pardoe's own website. None of this was stalking, none of this was secretive, and none of it was violent. The extent of the "violence" is the use of a hashtag #diemadaboutit, which anyone with a cursory ability to use Google is the catch phrase of the anti-confederate Sons of Liberty. I linked their videos to him on his public comment section of his public blog. I will link them here for you. Tell me if you think this is a "threat" or if Mr. Pardoe is just a whiney ass conservative bitch looking to sell books by grifting off the pockets of the conservative MAGA wave of Trumptards freely separating themselves from their coin. 

Sons of Liberty Youtube

3: "Faith threatened Mr. Pardoe's life" Again, FALSE. I have linked you to some of the videos I linked to him already and explained the hashtag, but Blaine seems to be hung up on these two quotes about shooting him in the crotch and wanting him to die in a fire, so lets explain those. I was having a private discussion with Mr. Craig Reed Jr. I now realize this man to be a snake, but at the time, I trusted him as a friend and he was a mentor to me in the writing community. One night he and I were discussing Blaine's new conservative masturbatory fanfiction novel that was coming out. I had a glass or two of scotch, and in passing, I said to Craig "This is Turner Diaries kind of stuff. It makes me want to just shoot him in the fucking crotch. I hope he dies in a fire." That's it. That's the extent of the "threats". These words were not threats, and they were communicated in private to someone other than Mr. Pardoe. There was never even any intention to threaten. But Mr. Reed decided that he needed to share my conversation with Blaine. And when he did that, Blaine, if we are to believe him, was so fearful for his life that he instituted action plans fearing that I was going to come after him. This is absurd. I cannot be responsible for Blaine's paranoia. 

            After this, he hired a private detective to try to discern my identity in hopes of smearing me or some such. This took the form of investigators talking to my place of employment, contacting law enforcement in my area, digging through County records to try to find dirt, looking at my financial records and all other forms of spying on me because he knew he needed to smear me. Let me be clear. My private life is private. It is none of his business and none of yours. He used this against me in an attempt to weaponize my private life for his own personal narrative because he knew that his vile views and online antics were going to catch up with him. He needed a scapegoat, and he hired a private dick to make me into one. I admit my own fault in not seeing it coming and walking into his trap. He played the game well. 

            No more. I am not playing that game anymore. I am being true to myself, my values, and my place in this community. If you don't like it, you can fuck off. I hope that you will stay with me for the journey. We are going to stand up and be bigger than Blaine, bigger than Tazorface or any of those haters.

            I am Faith McClosky, and I'm a shitty fanfic writer. Get over it. Don't like it? Leave. But don't think that you or anyone else holds a sword over me anymore. This is over. I am myself, and I will continue to be. I hope you'll all accept me for that.

Thursday, August 4, 2022


             This drama has been too much. It is taking too great a strain on my mental and even my physical health. Thing's have to change. I have to change. I will be making changes to my online presence to better integrate with my emotional wellbeing. This will mean I'm pulling back in some areas. It has to happen, for myself and for the people around me. Some of it is on the advice of my mental health team. Some of it is on the advice of my attorney.

            It doesn't mean that I'm quitting the community or going offline or any of that, it just means that I'm redirecting the parts of me that I share. You may see this as becoming more private, but it isn't. It's compartmentalizing my life and putting priorities where they need to be. I'll share with you what I need to, and stop sharing that which I don't.

            It will be giving you all the best of me, while keeping the rest of me tucked away. You will still have your Faith, just a leaner, better version of myself. It will let you have all of my strengths, while allowing me to protect my weaknesses. 

            I will stop being a pawn to be played with, sacrificed, and then forgotten. I will control who I am, not let people dictate what I need to be. I will control the narrative, not be lead through someone else's story.

            I hope that you all will continue on this journey with me. To make a better me. A better community. To just make things better. 

A Plea to the Battletech Community

             This has to stop. It all has to stop. Yesterday I came to you all with a statement regarding events. Now I am coming to you, the community, with a plea. Please stop tearing yourselves, each other, and the community apart.

            Battletech is a game that we are all passionate about, but at the end of the day it is A GAME. These people that you are talking about like characters, Me, Blaine, TEX, George Ledoux, people at Catalyst...we are all PEOPLE. There is a human being behind every name and screen that you are talking to. This is not a game to be played. We are not characters. This is not some internet experiment. This is people's LIFE. Take a step back and think about that. This is people's life. We are not pawns for your amusement to be thrown around the board for excitement and to be tossed away at a whim. We are people. We have lives.

            The past week has seen me receive threats, has seen people like TEX receive demands that they take a stand for one side or the other, has seen hard working people at Catalyst have their livelihoods threatened. This is insanity. We are not your puppets. We are not your pawns. We are not your toys. We are people. I have had my children brought into this. Two innocent little babies, ten months old, talked about as if they are character stats on a page. It has to stop. 

            I do not owe you whatever explanation or proof will make you think I am "real" or conform to the character that you have designed in your head for me. I have come to you and presented myself authentically. I am Faith McClosky. If you cannot accept that and who I am, then go fuck off. TEX does not owe you his opinion or his sword to your cause in this fight. He is a person that has done some damn amazing stuff for the world around him and this community and he deserves the right to handle this situation however the fuck he wants to. If you don't like that, you can fuck off.

            The toxicity and abuse that has come out of this community in the wake of Blaine's shameful pity party has been insane, and it has to stop. I publicly implore him to stop pouring gasoline on this fire just to fuel his own career. But more than that, I implore you all to stop throwing the rest of us into that fire and gleefully watching as we combust for your amusement and catharsis. A grown ass man lost a contract and he is setting you all up to tear the community apart with pitchforks and flames to fuel his sense of ego. It has to stop. We are people. We are not your toys. Please treat us like people. Treat us like the person across from you at the gaming table, not some character a thousand miles away behind a screen. We are people. Treat us as such. That's all we ask. We just all want to be a part of this community, of this great game. We just want to be treated as people. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Statement Regarding Current Events

             The past several days have seen a whirlwind of events unfold. There have been many accusations and misinformation spread everywhere. This statement is meant to clarify the situation and attempt to peacefully lower the temperature of the current debate.

            As has been stated by Catalyst Game Labs, their decisions regarding future contracts with a certain author is their own and has been made entirely on consultation with their license holder. I have had no part in the decision making process, nor have I had any influence on these decisions.

            Furthermore, there has never been any conspiracy to "cancel" any author in the Battletech universe. Any accusations to the contrary are false. I have individually made my opinions known to various parties regarding this author's content, both publicly and privately. That is the extent to which any interaction has occurred. 

            Regarding specific allegations that have been made:

            I was not "offered" the chance to publish any short story as any kind of inducement to anything. The publication of my story, Roadblock, followed the normal submission and editorial process. Any statements to the contrary are false.

            I have never colluded with Mr. Herbert Beas, or any other person, in regards to "cancelling" another author. I have never had any communications with Mr. Beas for the purposes of furthering such a goal, nor has he played any part to my knowledge in this unfolding drama.

            Regarding the legal agreement entered into between myself and Mr. Pardoe, the agreement pertained only to the granting of a temporary protection order in exchange for his agreeing to forgo any legal action regarding defamation. There was specifically no admission of any threat by any party, nor any conditions moving forward that I remain silent regarding Mr. Pardoe's views and activities. 

            I have never been charged or convicted of any crime in relation to Mr. Pardoe. No judge or jury has ever heard a complaint by either party regarding this matter. No court has ruled on this matter beyond the above mentioned legal agreement between the parties.

            I support many platforms and content creators in the Battletech community. My financial support for them should in no way be construed as their endorsement of myself or any actions regarding this case. I support them for their content, and their content alone. I have received reports of threats of violence against parties that I support financially in the Battletech community. Let me state clearly, this is wrong. Any threats of violence are wrong, especially those made against third parties who are not connected in any way to this drama. Any and all threats of violence will be handled by Law Enforcement and my attorney.

            There has been talk that I have advocated for the removal of Mr. Pardoe's work from the Battletech canon. This is false. I in no way support removing anything that has been published, and I encourage people to continue to support Catalyst Game Labs by purchasing their past and future content.

            This entire ordeal has been stressful and ugly beyond belief, and has placed an incredible strain on myself and my family. I would like to thank my family for their support in this matter. I would further like to thank everyone in the community who has offered their support and listened to reason. For every bad actor in this situation, there have been five good ones, and it has raised my faith in the community as a whole overall.  The Battletech community is a great one. Do not let it be torn apart by the actions of one man. Support each other, support Catalyst Game Labs, have fun, and roll the dice! 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

May Fortune Favor the Foolish

 Here is a short story of mine that was rejected by Shrapnel. I don't know why it was rejected, since they still won't speak to me, but I hope that you, the fans, can enjoy it nonetheless. It's not canon, but it's 100% lore-compliant, as my short stories are. 




May Fortune Favor the Foolish






24 JANUARY 3078

               “I still don’t know how you convinced the boss to let you try this stunt.” Sao-wei Lauryn Tu glanced nervously up and down the street as she checked once more to make sure that her hold-out pistol was covered by her shirt.

               Zhong-shao Faith McCarron swept a lock of her strawberry blonde hair out of her face as she turned to face Lauryn. Her large, aviator style sunglasses obscured her eyes, but could not hide the look of mischief that her friend knew was there. “Fortune favors the foolish, LT. You’ve known me long enough to have learned that. And the gaffer let me run with this because he knows my luck is good.”

               With that, her commander pushed open the door and stepped through. Lauryn quickly followed her. She first noticed the smell of opium hanging in the air. It wasn’t a heavy smoke like a bar or an opium den, but was lighter, mixed with subtle scents of perfume. The lighting was deliberately low, but not so low as to obscure the various women perched around the room in varying degrees of alluring attire. It was anything but subtle, yet somehow maintained a relaxed and low-key atmosphere.

               All eyes watched the two women as they made their way toward a desk at the back corner of the room. Like most of the furnishings in the room, it looked ornate on the surface, but Lauryn doubted that its quality was beyond skin deep. Behind the desk, the only man in the room stood, trying to give the impression a relaxed pose. Subtle tensions in his muscles and the way his eyes moved made Lauryn suspect that he was more alert than he was letting on. His build said he was the muscle for the establishment.

               “Can I help you ladies?”

               Lauryn and Faith were dressed in civilian attire. The Word of Blake forces were focused on holding back the combined might of the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers, her own Fourth McCarron’s Armored Cavalry, and a mixed bag of forces under the command of Alys Rousett-Marik. But they were still in enemy territory.

“I’m looking for the lady in charge.”

               The man shrugged. “I just handle booking.”

               “You don’t look like a secretary.”

               He shrugged again. “I also keep the trouble out. Now, you looking to book someone, take a walk around, talk to the girls, and we’ll talk price.”

               “I’m not here to hire girls.”

               “Well, that’s all we’ve got here. You want guys, you have to go across town. I can give you directions.”

               Faith pulled a one hundred L-bill note from her pocket and placed it on the counter. “I’m not here to book my bachelorette party, I’m here to talk to the lady in charge. If she’s not here, I won’t waste my time or money.” 

               He looked at the money, then at Faith, then pulled out his phone and began texting. Lauryn casually glanced around the room. The women, who moments before had been attentive and seemed ready to pounce, had universally taken a more relaxed posture after hearing that their guests were not here on business.

               “Miss Louise is upstairs. She says she’ll talk to you. Follow me.”

               The man led the way, and Lauryn walked beside her commander and friend. “Your brother would flip his lid if he saw you in a place like this.” She kept her voice low.

               “Rhamses could do with an hour or two here, might loosen him up a bit. For that matter, you’ve been getting uptight lately, the man said he can give us directions to the place across town.”

               Lauryn stifled the urge to playfully smack her friend. Theirs was a complex relationship. As the daughter of Archie McCarron, it was simply expected that Faith would be groomed for command and rise through the ranks. Their paths had crossed as young Sao-weis and they had become fast friends. Lauryn’s duties quickly solidified into something of a cross between an aide-de-camp and a bodyguard for the brash young officer. The combination of the grinding attrition of the Jihad and Faith’s penchant for taking risks and winning had vaulted her to battalion command, and Lauryn had been at her side the whole time. If this campaign worked out, there was little doubt Lauryn would make Sang-wei.

               Their guide led them up a carpeted flight of stairs and down a long corridor. When they reached the end, he knocked gently, then opened the door and gestured for the two women to enter. He followed them through the door and closed it behind him.

               The room was dominated by a large, ornate desk, delicately carved from some form of local wood that produced a deep amber hue. There was little doubt that this desk was the real thing. Behind it, a woman sat back, confidently appraising the two of them. Her clothes, dark trousers and a shimmering green silk blouse, were refined, but not gaudy. Her jewelry completed the look, subtle earrings and a bracelet that screamed high quality. She was the one in charge, but she was subtle about it, that much was clear. She was aging, but gracefully so, her firm posture and sharp eyes countering the subtle wrinkles on her face and the strands of gray interspersed with her auburn hair.

               “Byron here says you wanted to speak to me, and you were willing to wave money around to do it. I’m going to go ahead and guess that you’re not here looking for jobs. So that leaves me curious as to what you’re after.”

               Faith wasted no time jumping in. “We’re here to hire you. My name is Faith McCarron.”

               The woman’s pose did not change. “I didn’t think the fighting was over. Isn’t it a little early to be planning a celebration and hiring my girls?”

               While Faith put her hands on her hips, Lauryn stayed at a relaxed parade rest, her eyes darting back and forth between the two women.

               “You misunderstand. I’m not here to hire entertainers for a party. I’m looking to hire you, Captain Louise Holley, and Gael’s Grinders.”

               That got a reaction from the woman. She sat up a little straighter, her posture tensing. “Honey, I haven’t been in the cockpit in maybe five years. And even then, it was only to scare the daylights out of a particular client that got too big for his britches. What makes you think I want to rally up the old company now?”

               Faith’s stance remained relaxed. She took off her sunglasses and tucked them into her shirt. “There’s a big fight going on. It’s going to decide the fate of this planet. You guys seem to have traded one ride for another. Now is as good a time as any to get back on the old horse.”

               Louise Holley stood slowly. “Faith McCarron, you say? You must be one of Archie’s kids. We heard Marcus Baxter was raising a couple of Archie’s dismounts after he died. You must have been a little kid back during Guererro.”

               “I was nine. I know the First and Second were here with you during the fight. Sam Christobal, Blaze Parks, and my adopted father all had a hand in tossing the fedrats out on their asses.”

               Holley’s visage seemed to lighten some. “Your dad, your adopted dad, Marcus, was a cocky son of a bitch back then, you know.”

               “He still is, maybe a bit more of a hard-nose now, but still mostly the same.” Faith’s Irish brogue seemed a bit thicker now. Lauryn knew it was one of those little affectations that Faith played upon to distinguish herself from her brother. Rhamses emulated Lord Marcus Baxter, head of the MAC and the man that had adopted Faith and Rhamses when their biological father died in a training accident. Faith’s attitude tended more towards the wild and crazy that their biological father, Archibald McCarron as known for.

               “He also left us high and dry. This place fell apart into a three-way civil war. Most of the parties involved brought in big guns, bigger than a merc company could handle. I managed to broker some peace. But it stopped making sense, getting shot up for next to no pay. So, we opened other enterprises. It keeps the cash flowing, and you don’t generally get shot at. Why would I want to the old ways? Especially the whole bit about people shooting at me. Health is its own reward.”

               Lauryn knew that it would soon be make or break. She knew what the offer on the table was, but it didn’t help ease the tension she felt as her commander negotiated with the captain-turned-madam.

               “I’m not asking you to do it for kicks, or even for the Confederation. We’ll pay you prevailing merc rates, plus repair and salvage rights.”

               Holley shook her head. “Not even close. If I were looking to get back into the game, it would be a fair offer. But I’m not. I’m looking at the long game. And my long game doesn’t involve my Firestarter.”

               Lauryn could feel the tension building. Goosebumps rose on her arms, and she fought back the urge to nervously run her hand through her black hair. And now she closes the deal.

               “Ok, how’s this for a long game? Between us and the Marik girl, we outnumber the robes. We are going to wipe them out. And then the so-called Coalition is going to leave. The Chancellor’s flag is going to fly over Hsien at the end of it all. How do you think the Maskirovka is going to view your little enterprise when they arrive and start looking over the books? They probably won’t care about the sex work part of it, but I’m willing to bet that in the twenty years you’ve been making this work, you’ve been in bed with every faction on the planet. That includes the disloyal elements during the civil war here, and the robes. I’m sure they’re going to be very interested in that.”

               The older woman scoffed. “You’re going to try to blackmail me? Honey, you may be young and naïve but even you have to know that isn’t going to work.”

               Faith raised her hands. “I’m not trying to blackmail you. This is going to happen, no matter what. I’m trying to offer you a way out. You help us, and you’ll get all I promised, plus we’ll personally let the Chancellor know how instrumental you were as a leader of the loyal Capellan resistance here on Hsien. When all is said and done, anyone with a ‘Mech that wants to leave can join with us, no questions asked. Anyone who stays will have a shining badge of loyalty to stamp on their business cards. Everyone wins. So, what do you say?”

               The silence seemed to last forever. Lauryn watched the two women, their eyes locked, trying to judge the other and assess the situation. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Louise Holley nodded. “I’ll gather up the Grinders.”




               Lauryn stood next to Faith towards the back of the field tent where Sang-shao Richard Carson, the overall commander of CCAF forces on Hsien had gathered his battalion commanders for a council of war. Lord Richard Carson was the picture of a seasoned commander in the Big Mac. Broad shouldered and firm jawed, he dominated the room with his presence. Next to him stood Sang-shao Daniel Jax, the young commander of the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers, the other veteran unit fighting alongside the Cavalry.

               Jax cut a different image from Lord Carson. Lean and wiry, much like the current incarnation of his regiment, he was visibly more agitated than his counterpart. No doubt this owed in great part to the pummeling the Rangers had received at the hands of the Clan Hell’s Horses contingent of the coalition force a few days earlier.

               Lord Carson pointed to the ring drawn around the city on the map display. “Now that we’ve come to an understanding with Duchess Alys to prioritize pounding the Blakists into dust before we argue about jurisdiction, we can get down to closing this ring we have around them. The robes have already tried to break out into the mountains once, and you can be sure they’re going to try again once the noose tightens.”

               As Lord Carson paused, Sang-shao Jax stepped up. “As you can imagine, Duchess Marik hasn’t shared her force disposition with us. But doing that math, it’s easy to see which of us has the bigger contingent, and it isn’t us.”

               Carson stabbed his finger on the half of the circle that represented the CCAF side of the river. “The Word may or may not know about us using the river as the dividing line for our respective areas of operation, but they damn well know that we’re not playing nice with the Duchess. If I were in their position, I’d try to break out against the smaller force, thinking it’s the weakest. Our job is to show them just how foolish that assumption can be. To that end, we’re starting our push at 0630 hours. It’s liable to get dicey out there. Under no circumstances to we let those triple damned Blakists past us. Is that understood?”

               After a chorus of affirmations, the group was dismissed. Lauryn fell in behind Faith but was beckoned away by Lord Carson. “Sao-wei Tu, on me.”

               With a nod of affirmation to her friend, she quickly fell in next to Lord Carson on their way to their ‘Mechs. “Sir.”

               “This is going to be the big one, Tu. Make or break, we push till the robes are done. The fighting is going to be intense, maybe the thickest we’ve seen this whole campaign. I’ve lost a lot of good officers this last year or so. Your battalion CO is where she is because we lost Zhong-shao Gray out in the field. I know Faith can be a lot to handle, but I’m counting on you to keep her safe through this. Understood?”


               “Right, then go and find your ride. Good hunting, Sao-wei.”

               She quickened her pace to a slow jog to catch up to her friend. She caught up with Faith at the base of her Starslayer. She looked up at the ‘Slayer and her own Ti Ts’ang, both ‘Mechs showed signs of combat, but the techs had done a superb job of patching them up in the downtime afforded them by the consolidation of forces.

               “What did the gaffer want?” Faith was already in the process of stripping down to her MechWarrior togs.

               “It was just his quarterly reminder for me to keep your ass out of the fire. Nothing I haven’t heard before. This job doesn’t get any easier with you climbing in rank, you know that, right?” Lauryn emulated her friend, stuffing her extra clothing into a small rucksack.

               Faith swung her pack over her shoulder. “It’s not supposed to be an easy job, LT. I go where things are the thickest. That’s the way it’s always been. You just try to keep up and keep the bad guys off my back. They didn’t give you that big hatchet for nothing.”

               Lauryn nodded in affirmation. “Like always, I’ll have your back, boss.”

               Faith shot her a wry smile. “Ok, let’s get saddled up. And when this is all over, we’ll go find that address on the other side of town. My treat.”

               Shaking her head and grinning broadly, Lauryn started the climb up the gantry to her ‘Mech. Time to earn my pay.




               Lauryn wrenched her ‘Mech’s giant axe-shaped hatchet free from the smoldering hulk of a Condor hover tank. The pesky tank had wandered perilously close and had suffered the consequences of the deadly blade cleaving deep into its armor and ruining its hover skirts under the pressure.

               She quickly glanced at her display to locate her commander. Faith was currently tangling with a Blakist Buccaneer and seemed to have the fight well in hand. Lauryn had little time to observe the fight, as a PPC bolt slashed across her right leg. She twisted in the direction of the shot and found an enemy Lancelot levelling its arm-mounted autocannon in her direction. It was one of the Blakists newer LCT25-08 models with dual LB-5X autocannons and a PPC, capable of hooking into their damnable improved C3 networks. Shifting quickly to her left, she managed to avoid all but a few of the cluster submunitions from the Blakist salvo.

               As Lord Carson had predicted, once the Capellans had begun their advance, word had filtered out that the coalition forces were also pressing the Word of Blake on the other side of the river. Thus far, the expected Blakist counterattack had not materialized, but the enemy forces were nonetheless offering stiff resistance.

               She snapped off a return salvo at the Lancelot with her five medium lasers, three of the beams scattering damage across the enemy torso. The Blakist held back with their PPC, instead plinking away with the scattered shots from its paired LB-5X guns.

               A partially collapsed building a hundred meters or so behind the Lancelot suddenly exploded in a cloud of smoke and what seemed like an unending trail of missile launches. Instinctively, she feathered her jump jets in a short hop forward and to her right. She flexed her ‘Mech at the knees and fired a quick shot from her arm-mounted laser at the Lancelot.

               “LT, if you could stop that stream of LRMs raining down on my head, that would be a big help!” Lauryn could hear the scream of missile lock warnings in the background as her commander called for aid. She quickly realized that the missile carrier partially hidden in the building was firing not at her, but at Faith’s Starslayer. Without direct line-of-sight, it must have someone spotting for it, either with a TAG laser or from one of the improved C3-spotter networks that the Blakists favored.

               No time to track down the spotter, but two can play at that game. She keyed her comms to the regimental support channel. “Fire support, this is Fortunate Two, priority fire mission requested on my designator.” She kicked her mech up into a run, ignoring the Lancelot entirely and rushing towards the enemy missile launcher. She pulled into her auxiliary trigger, painting the building with an invisible beam from her torso-mounted Target Acquisition Gear.

               “Fortunate Two, Arrows in the air. Ten seconds out.”

               The Lancelot continued peppering her with cluster rounds, backing up as it fired. She ignored it, keeping her mech charging and the designator on target. When the countdown on her HUD read “two”, she smashed her finger down on the firing stud for her lasers, sending nine beams spearing haphazardly into the building around the LRM Carrier. Heat spiked in her cockpit, but rather than her ‘Mech responding sluggishly, the superheated triple-strength myomer strands that powered her mech responded with increased strength.

               Two seconds later, the building, now only a few hundred meters ahead of her, exploded in a giant ball of fire, cement dust, and flying shards of armor as a pair of Arrow-IV guided missiles reached the target at the end of her TAG designator beam. Part of a missile launcher spun wildly out of the conflagration, and just as the initial blast began to settle, a series of sympathetic explosions rocked the rubble as munitions burned and cooked off.

               Wasting no time, Lauryn turned to her left, adjusting her charge directly at the now stunned Lancelot that had been her initial foe. It had stopped its movement backwards, and snapped off a quick shot with its PPC, a glancing blow that charred some of the armor from her left leg. Lauryn barreled forward, shrugging off the cluster munitions from the arm mounted cannons. As she neared, she swung down the gargantuan hatchet in her ‘Mechs right arm. The blow cleaved deep into the enemy shoulder joint, the corresponding arm falling limp in a shower of sparks and a few pops as the ammo feed for its autocannon crumpled under the blow.

               Not satisfied, Lauryn let her momentum continue unchecked, letting her right arm flex and her ‘Mech’s shoulder slam into the Blakist ‘Mech. The impact shook her in her seat, and she felt her teeth grind together. Her opponent fared far worse. Unable to compensate for the double impact of a hatchet blow and a charging attack, the Lancelot stumbled backward and collapsed onto its back.

               Lauryn retained her balance with the combined help of her ‘Mech’s massive gyroscope and her own sense of balance translated by her neurohelmet. She took one step closer to her fallen foe and slammed a foot down squarely in the center of the Lancelot’s chest.  Swinging her left arm and its cluster of lasers into line with the enemy cockpit, she keyed an unencrypted channel, “One chance, yield and power down.”

               The Blakist took no time to consider her offer, raising their remaining arm in her direction. Without hesitation, Lauren triggered the cluster of five lasers, pumping their terrible energy straight into the bulbous head of the Word BattleMech. The cockpit armor could not hope to hold back the combined might of the lasers, and the Lancelot went limp as the entire head assembly was melted to slag.

               “Good kill, LT. The rest of them ran headlong back into the city. I’d love to follow, but that would put us way too far ahead of the rest of the regiment, and I don’t want to charge into a city alone. Company commanders, let’s tighten up our line a bit, keep contact on the flanks with the other two battalions. Perimeter five hundred meters outside the city limits, hovertanks, let’s get a screen out as close to the city line as you can. I’ll see what the gaffer wants to do next.”

               Lauryn used the brief respite to let her mech and her body cool off. The fighting so far had been steady but hadn’t taken too much of a toll on her machine. She took a moment to visually survey her commander’s ride, which, while pockmarked with the scars of high explosives, seemed to be holding up well against the rigors of battle. She was pondering cracking the cockpit hatch to get some much-needed fresh air when her HUD chirped at her for attention.

               She glanced down at her mini-map, which rendered the friendly forces of the Fourth MAC in cool blue. The problem was the single bright red diamond that signaled a Word of Blake BattleMech, likely spotted by the picket units out in front of the main line. Then another red diamond appeared. Then three more. In the span of a few seconds, the map showed a massive host of Blakist units heading straight for them.

               She keyed her comms quickly to her commander. “Boss, you see that?”

               “I see it, LT.” There was a pause, then Faith came over the battalion frequency. “Okay, Second Battalion, here they come. I’m betting this is the big push. Everyone hold the line.”

               The picket units came streaming back, and behind them came a wave of Blakist units. A wall of ‘Mechs led the way, but a mass of vehicles and infantry followed. This force was far greater than what they had been fighting moments before. Within seconds, the two lines of battle were intertwined in heavy fighting.

               Lauryn kept her heat in check, using sporadic fire from her extended range lasers to harass enemy units, and turning her hatchet on anything that got close enough. The initial momentum of the thrust was checked, but the sheer weight of the push by the Word was threatening to break the MAC line.

               An Exterminator caught her eye. She made sure to keep as close to Faith as possible, and this particular enemy Exterminator was making a beeline for the commander’s ‘Slayer. A PPC bolt lanced out from Faith’s Starslayer to catch the Exterminator squarely in the chest. The shot did nothing to stop the enemy machine. It reached out with its lasers as its charge continued.

               “Boss, hop back, I got this guy!”

               “Ok, but you owe me—” The transmission cut to static as the Exterminator launched a single missile that struck the Starslayer squarely in the chest but did not explode. After a brief pause, the ‘Slayer rocketed backward on its jump jets.

               “You okay, boss?” There was no response. Must be some kind of iNARC pod messing with the boss’s comms. Well, we can work that out after I drop this guy.

               With her commander now safely behind her, Lauryn fired an alpha strike of her lasers at the enemy headhunter. The medium lasers gouged scars into the armor of her foe. The small lasers were too far from their target to do any real damage, but the heat they generated was enough to trigger an extra burst of strength from the musculature of her Ti Ts’ang. She charged at the enemy ‘Mech, and her opponent showed no signs of backing down.

               The enemy lasers ripped into her armor, but her protection held for the moment. She triggered another shot from her medium lasers. Only two of her shots connected, her aim being thrown off as the enemy warrior triggered their MASC system to kick their movement profile into an even higher tier. Her heat climbed slightly, and instinctively she slapped the override for her ‘Mech’s fusion reactor’s safeties just as the computerized voice in her helmet began warning her of critical heat levels. In the stifling heat of the cockpit, the sweat on her extremities did little to cool her. Thankfully, her cooling vest was keeping her core temperature down.

               But as the heat sapped Lauryn’s own strength, it magnified the strength of her ‘Mech. The two ‘Mechs each ran at each other with augmented speed, closing the gap almost instantly. She brought her hatchet down on the enemy Exterminator just before the two mechs collided. She was shaken in her seat, only her restraining straps keeping her from tumbling around the cockpit.

               Her head swam as the combination of the impact and the heat conspired to attack her sense of balance. She fought with all of her might and concentration to keep her ‘Mech upright, and with the help of the massive four-ton gyroscope at the heart of her machine, her ‘Mech stayed upright. Her opponent matched her skill in keeping their ‘Mech standing, and even managed to fire off a pair of lasers at her.

               Heat was becoming a problem. She risked firing only her arm-mounted lasers, the five beams coalescing and tearing through the last of the protection over a portion of the Exterminator’s chest. It was the opening she needed. As the enemy fired their remaining lasers, she swung her deadly hatchet once more. This time, the blade plunged into the gap created by her lasers. The full force of the blow drove the blade deep into the heart of the enemy ‘Mech.

               Lauryn felt the vibrations run up her own ‘Mech’s arm as the Exterminator’s gyro spun itself to death against her hatchet. Without it, the Blakist mech collapsed to the ground with a tremendous crash. She took a few seconds to try to gulp in air in the sauna of her cockpit. Blinking away the disorientation, she frantically checked her HUD for the location of her commander. She found her about a hundred meters away, thrashing away with the capacitor-boosted PPC of her custom Starslayer.

               Lauryn ran to her commander’s side, and as she closed, she noticed the offending improved NARC pod. She turned to face her friend and gestured with the muzzle of her arm laser at the pod. The Starslayer almost imperceptibly nodded. As delicately as one could with a four-ton hatchet, Lauryn bashed the pod from the ‘Slayer.

               “Thanks, LT. You owe me a new paint job for that though.” Hearing Faith’s voice over the comms again was reassuring. The battle line was sagging, as if about to give way. “Well, it’s now or never.” There was a brief pause as Faith switched to a battalion-wide channel. “This is Fortunate Actual to all callsigns. Let the robes through. Everybody retrogrades east. I want a new line, right flank on me, left flank on those woods behind us. Let the gate swing open.”

               To their credit, the units of Faith’s battalion disengaged immediately on hearing their orders, pulling back like a great gate opening to allow the Blakist force to pour through and escape into the forest.

               Lauryn selected a private channel to Faith. “Are you sure this is going to work, boss? You’ve got an awful lot riding on the Grinders.”

               “Fortune favors the foolish, LT. Risking the whole thing on a company of mercs who’ve been turning tricks for the last ten years. Crazy, right?”

               “Just your style, boss. Giving me early grays.”

               Lauryn watched as the Blakist force neared the edge of the forest. When they came within five hundred meters, PPC bolts and laser beams shot out of the woods and into the Blakist rush. A few seconds later, a mixed company of medium and heavy BattleMechs strode out of the forest, weapons blazing. The tiny forms of Fa-Shih troopers leapt from the newly arrived mechs and bounded into the fray.

               “There’s our ace in the hole, people. Let’s hit these robes square in the side. They’ve got no place to go. We eat ‘em up and grind ‘em down.”


               “What can I get for you, ma’am?” The bartender, who looked to be in his twenties, had a deep tan that seemed common to so many natives of Hsien and the sleek muscle of someone who spent his off hours working out. The level of clothing worn by most of the staff at this particular entertainment center was as much as one might expect to wear comfortably into a mech cockpit, but with not so much as a scar or callous on his body—and Lauryn had checked—nobody would confuse this guy with a MechWarrior.

               “Two flamers, extra hot, whatever the local flavor is.”

               “You’re not from around here?”

               She shook her head. “Just visiting for a while.” Her olive skin tone and black hair could blend in on any of a hundred Capellan worlds, so she didn’t begrudge the man for not picking her out as a visitor. She glanced back to the card table where her friend was playing blackjack. Wearing cargo pants that rode low on her hips, and a halter top that showed off enough of her pale skin, Faith stuck out like a sore thumb. Lauryn, of course, knew that was the point.

               The bartender returned and began filling two shot glasses with cinnamon schnapps. He next picked up a bottle with a flaming skull logo on it bearing the brand name “Hsien Hot Hsauce” and deposited six drops of red liquid into each glass. “This stuff will burn the paint off a Firestarter.”

               Lauryn picked up the two shots and smiled. “We’ll be fine.”

               She made her way over to Faith. “A couple of shots for our victory. Even if you did cut it close. And you never told me you shifted our Fa-Shihs over to the Grinders to stiffen the trap.”

               The blonde woman took the glass Lauryn offered. “Yeah, well, I won’t keep up with ole’ Rhamses by playing it safe. You can win, or you can win. Besides, you know my luck always holds. And when it doesn’t, that’s what I’ve got you for. Second battalion don’t call ourselves Faith’s Fortunate for nothing.”

               She glanced down at the table. It was Faith’s call. “Boss. You’re not going to hit on an eighteen?”

               Faith raised an eyebrow.

               “Remember boss, you’re paying for my entertainment tonight.”

               Faith couldn’t contain her grin. “I’m good for it, LT. Besides, fortune favors the foolish.” She touched her glass to Lauryn’s and quickly slammed back the shot of fiery liquid, winking at Lauryn as she coughed. “Hit me!”











Copyright 2022 Faith McClosky LLC

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Exodus Ch. 3




Lyran Commonwealth

31 May, 2767


               Carli laid back and closed her eyes, letting her heart and breathing return to normal as the cool night breeze blew over her through the open window. Just enough of Roger’s arm lay against hers to bring back that feeling of security that she still didn’t understand why she found in him.

               “You’re sure your orders are going to come down tomorrow?” she asked.

               “Damn near certain,” he replied. “Regular units got their move orders today, and we were all told to expect orders and assignments to be drawn up as soon as they figure out what they’re going to do with us. It can’t be long now.”

               “Then it’s off to the Rim World’s Republic?”

               “Somewhere around there. The General made it pretty clear that the cease fire didn’t apply to the Republic, and that we’d be occupying them in short order. I still don’t understand why we’re not all heading straight for Terra. Cut off the head and the body dies.” He mused.

               Opening her eyes, she rolled over and snuggled closer to him, letting her leg wrap around him and pressing herself against his bare chest, still glistening just a bit from the aftermath of their earlier lovemaking. “You should trust Kerensky. He knows what he’s doing. If there’s anyone that can handle this…whatever this mess is, it’s him.”

               Roger stifled a tiny laugh. “You sound so certain; how come you’re not signed up with the SLDF?”

               Many around the League, and nearly all of the SLDF personnel she’d had contact with in the last few days had shared Roger’s desire to strike quickly for Terra and remove the Usurper from the throne and to restore the Hegemony to its rightful place at the center of the Star League, not this newly declared Amaris Empire.

               But Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky had seemed to have decided to take the cautious road, to deal with the Usurper’s realm in the Periphery before attempting to storm the Hegemony proper. It made sense to her. It would give time for the House Lords to mobilize their own forces to help in the liberation when the time came and ensure that an enemy dagger was not poised at their back in the form of Amaris former Periphery realm.

               “We’ve had that discussion before, Roger. I’ve always been bound for the Commonwealth Armed Forces. It’s been my path ever since I decided I wanted to be a MechWarrior. Besides, we’ll both get our chance to see action once Kerensky turns his eye toward Terra.”

               Roger shook his head. “You seem so confident the Archon is going to take action. Don’t be so certain. The House Lords are petty. They won’t get involved unless they have something to gain.”

               She raised an eyebrow. “We have nothing to gain from removing that weirdo from the throne and ending whatever this scheme of his is?”

               “Steiner won’t see it that way. Nor will any of the other Lords. Why expend resources and risk weakening themselves just to restore the status quo. And that’s if there’s even any Cameron’s left alive. Most coups are bloody, and there’d be a big, huge vacuum at the heart of the League for the General to step in and fill. And you know how they feel about him. Why not let the SLDF do the hard lifting, maintain their own power, and only have a weaker central authority to deal with?” He paused for a moment. “No, they won’t act.”

               “I have more faith in the Archon and the General than that. You’ll see. Once you deal with the Rim Worlds, you and I will be fighting side by side again,” she countered.

               He squeezed her gently. “I hope you’re right. I’ll remind you of those words when I head this way again.” He traced a finger slowly in an aimless pattern over her back. “Any word on your posting? I’d have thought assignments would have been posted by now.”

               Closing her eyes once again, she savored the silence and his touch for a few seconds before responding. “I’d have thought so too, but this mess has everyone on edge. The Hegemony going black played havoc with the markets, and the economy is the number one priority for the Archon. Everything else has slowed down. They say we’ll get our postings by next week.”

               “It will be a Skye Rangers unit; we both know that.”

               Carli shrugged. “The question is which one? I want to make sure I’m in one that sees some action, not stuck here guarding the Isle. I didn’t join the military to be stuck on Skye my whole career.”

               “Don’t worry, Carli. I’m sure we’ll both see our share of travel before this thing is over.”

               She kissed his neck. “Well, if you’re going to run off in the morning, the least you can do is make tonight count.”

Monday, May 23, 2022

Exodus Ch. 02


Sanglamore Academy


Lyran Commonwealth

10 March, 2767


               “Ok people, there’s the main nav point. If I were Duclair, I’d try to set up an ambush by that creek. There’s rolling hills on either side and plenty of cover. We’ve done this before. What do we do when we figure out where Duclair is laying his trap?” The voice of Cadet Roger Ruby, who was acting as company commander for this simulated exercise came over the comms.

               Carli Benedict flexed her fingers on the control sticks of the simulator for the ‘Mech she was running, a Lyran favorite, the -2D Commando. She knew what was coming next.

               “Spring the trap,” came a chorus of responses over the channel. They were all final year cadets now, and they knew their stuff. They had run missions like this several times before, but now, with graduation looming, the practice rotation had gotten just a little bit more intense to close out the final semester.

               Of course, that wasn’t the only thing looming. Now there was the very real prospect of a war facing them when they graduated. For some of the cadets, the ones bound for the SLDF, this was nothing new. Most of the SLDF was currently deployed in the Periphery, engaged in putting down the various uprisings that had come in the wake of actions over the last few years by First Lord Richard Cameron.

               Carli, however, was not bound for the SLDF. Her commission would come in the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces. The Lyran state was at relative peace, and she had assumed her first assignment would be a rather easy one. But all that had changed in the last few months, with the apparent news that the Camerons had been deposed as heads of the Star League and the Terran Hegemony was now ruled by the former Rim Worlds Republic leader Stefan Amaris. He had declared himself Emperor of the Amaris Empire. To Carli’s mind, it wouldn’t be long before he declared himself the new First Lord, and that could mean war.

               For that matter, she thought, it should be war. There was no way that the leaders of the Great Houses could stand to have the Star League run by a Periphery Lord. That wasn’t the way things were done. The Camerons ruled, just as the Steiners ruled the Commonwealth. That was just the way of things.

               “Jaeger Nine, you know what to do. Go stir up some trouble over there. We play it like always. Everyone else, follow behind at two klicks. Duclair won’t know what hit him.” The order came over her comms.

               “Confirmed, Jaeger Actual. We’ll kick the hornet’s nest,” she replied. She flipped her comms over to her lance. “Alright Recon Lance let’s go. Standard formation, we’ll just bull-rush into that creek and spring Tony’s trap. Remember, keep moving, our objective is just to flush them out, make them waste their trap on us while the big boys hit from behind. Got it?”

               She received a chorus of affirmatives from her lance subordinates, and the lance moved forward in formation. Her lance consisted of a pair of Commandos and a pair of Wasps. They closed the distance to the nav point with relative ease. The simulator barely put out any heat as her ‘Mech ran cool, and the terrain of gently rolling hills posed no obstacle to the lance as they advanced, keeping careful watch for any sign of enemy activity.

               As they neared the creek, they climbed a gentle sloping his and the tree coverage thickened somewhat. They reached the crest of the hill and stopped momentarily to survey the scene. Below them, a gentle creek ran fairly straight, and with few rocks or outcroppings. On the other embankment were more trees and another slope. If this was anything like all his other traps, Cadet Tony Duclair would want the trap sprung when Carli’s team was down in the creek. By forcing him to spring the trap on only the recon elements of their company sized detachment, Cadet Ruby hoped to foil the enemy plan and send them into confusion.

               Carli’s lance descended into the gentle valley of the creek and pushed through at full speed and began climbing the opposite hill. There was no enemy fire, and no sign of enemy ‘Mechs anywhere on scanners.

               “Recon Lance, hold.” She stopped her lance as they reached the crest of the hill. There was still no sign of the enemy. She keyed her comms for the commander. “Jaeger Actual, we have no sign of hostiles here. I’m through the creek and up on the other side and we still see nothing. Orders?”

               “Stand by,” was all re received in reply.

               Something was very wrong now. There was no sign of the enemy, and her sensors now could scan nearly to the objective. Where were they?

               Suddenly, the sound of weapons fire crackled over her external pickups, but from behind them, in the distance. It took her only a second to realize that the sounds must be her own friendly forces engaging the enemy behind them. Somehow the enemy had gotten behind them.

               “Recon Lance, turn around, they slipped behind us somehow. We have to get back to the main body and add our weight to their forces or else they’re cooked.”

               Her lance responded and they bounded at full speed back the way they came. They crossed the creek and back up the opposing slope, and were only near a kilometer away from their main body. But the distance was enough. She flipped to the company wide frequency and heard several curses as comm discipline was momentarily lost.

               Her lance pressed forward at their best speed, her two Wasps even igniting their jump jets to clear the woods faster than her Commando could. By the time that the fight appeared on their screens, the main body of friendly forces depressingly showed only two active blue blips and a host of red swarming them.

               The fight was lost. There was nothing to do but a hopeless fight against incredible odds. She pounded a fist into the side of her command couch. She hated to lose, and she was not going to surrender, but what good was there in a hopeless fight?

               Then it hit her. “Jaeger Eleven and Twelve, turn tail and run for the objective. Best speed to the objective, nothing else matters.”

               “Sir?” A confused query replied.

               “The objective is wide open. We can’t win, but if we can slow them down enough, you two can get there and blow it before they can catch you.”

               Assured of the plan, her two Wasps dutifully turned and ran back in the direction of the objective. Only Carli and her other Commando continued forward. “Jaeger Ten, if you see any fast movers, hit them. We don’t have to win, we just have to slow them down.”

               Her warning was prescient, as the first mech to come within range was quickly tagged as a Locust. It was heading straight for her, which was fine by her. As it entered range for her Medium Laser, she pulled the trigger and fired a bolt of light at the bird-like ‘Mech. She scored only a glancing blow but earned the ire of the enemy warrior.

The Locust seemed to slow slightly and take aim as it fired, its own Medium Laser scoring a solid hit and coring into the armor on her left leg. The slight slowdown might be her only chance at hitting the speedy Locust. She fired both of her SRM racks at the enemy, sending ten missiles corkscrewing toward it.

Only three of the missiles hit, pecking armor from the Locusts’ frame but doing little to stop it. The enemy mech picked up speed once again, bounding straight towards her. At these speeds, they would close almost instantly. The Locust wasn’t planning to charge her, she figured, but instead run past her and hopefully track down her two Wasps now heading for the objective.

As it closed to near point-blank range, it plinked away at her with it’s Machine Guns but kept its course. At the last minute, as it was about to run past her, she stuck her wounded left leg out and tripped the Locust.

The weight of the enemy ‘Mech hitting her already damaged leg sheared her ‘Mech’s leg off at the knee, but it was enough to destabilize the Locust, which unceremoniously fell to the ground, planting its laser in the ground and tumbling over.

Her own ‘Mech hit the ground on it’s back, and the simulator pod shook her as vigorously as it could. She only hoped that the ride down had been rougher on the Locust pilot.

Fighting off the ringing in her ears, she struggled to bring her ‘Mech up to a crouching position to try to take stock of the battle, but just as she did, her ‘Mech was rocked by fire from the main body of the enemy force. An Autocannon round slammed into the chest of her mech, knocking it backwards, but not enough to save it from a savage of laser fire from several enemies. Her cockpit went black and the simulator rocked her for one final time, signaling that some other catastrophic damage had claimed the life of her ‘Mech.

She leaned back and pulled off her neurohelmet, running her hands through her sweat drenched hair. This was the worst part, the waiting. She sat in the blackness for what seemed like an eternity until a horn sounded the end of the exercise, and the seal of the simulator pod cracked open to allow a rush of cool air into the cockpit.

She climbed out into the blinding light of simulator bay, shivering slightly now that the heat of battle had subsided, and her cooling suit had cooled her down. All around her, her teammates were repeating the same procedure. She was only interested in the last two pods in the line, where two men, the pilots of her Wasps were extricating themselves from their pods. She made her way over to them.

“Well, did you guys scrag the objective or not?”

Their smiles told her all she needed to know.